Moderators as node points of networking
Within the groups, everyone can decide how the groups want to set themselves up. For example, there are groups that need a leadership floor, others will prefer more of a balanced structure. Nevertheless, in order to guarantee a uniform structure, we absolutely need a few moderators who act as contact persons within the local group, but who are also representatives of the groups in the regional and supraregional groups. Regional and supra-regional groups are mergers of the local groups to solve larger problems or to share information. The moderators take over e.g. the task that the communication runs "decently" - all the same whether in the net or in the reality (moderator/mediator). They can also take care of the group's needs, if a party arises, if anyone needs something or if information is missing. The moderator does not have to handle everything himself, but he should know the group so well that he can pass on the information to others. However, he should also make sure that the group doesn't work too hard and put its health at risk - that's why it's important to relax in between and also have fun together. The moderator can have this overview because he knows the group.The moderator can have this overview because he knows the group.
So that this role is not exploited, a moderator is elected 1 time a year. For the sake of simplicity, we have set that he is elected from 1/1 to 12/31. If for some reason it is important that a different date is elected, this is of course feasible. If a moderator takes advantage of his position and the group is against it, a vote of no confidence can take place, where this person can justify his decision. Exactly how this proceeds is up to the group to decide. Whether they try to turn the tide with positive motivations or whether they impose "punishments" is up to the people in the group. We will try to show through seminars which possibilities there are, so that everyone finds his tool with which he can work best and which fits the situation.